
[W3] Non-destructive imaging of biological tissue with photoacoustic imaging. CNDE webinar series, Aug 2024. [Link] 

[W2] Seeing inside tissue with molecular probes. SPIE Webinar Series, January 2022. [Link]*the link is to the main page, need to go to the webinar title to access the video.

[W1] Photoacoustic imaging: the next generation. SPIE Webinar Series, Aug 2020. [Link]*the link is to the main page, need to go to the webinar title to access the video.


[B4] Principles and application of photoacoustic computed tomography (Book Chapter, In: Xia, W. (eds) Biomedical Photoacoustics). Vijitha Periyasamy, Katherine Gisi, and Manojit Pramanik. 2024, Springer, Cham. [Link] 

[B3] Getting started with deep learning in circular photoacoustic tomography. Praveenbalaji Rajendran and Manojit Pramanik. 2023, SPIE Press. [Link] 

[B2] Photoacoustic tomography using high-energy pulsed laser diodes. Sandeep Kumar Kalva and Manojit Pramanik. 2020, SPIE Press. [Link

[B1] Imaging Technologies and Transdermal Delivery in Skin Disorders. Edited by Chenjie Xu, Xiaomeng Wang, and Manojit Pramanik. 2019, John Wiley & Sons. [Link] [Purchase]

Journal Papers:

The copyright of the following publications has been transferred to the publisher. These articles may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and/or publisher.

* Corresponding author(s), Authors contributed equally. 

[J133] V. Bellemo, R. Haindl, M. Pramanik, L. Liu, and L. Schmetterer, X. Liu*, “Complex conjugate removal in optical coherence tomography using phase aware generative adversarial network,” Journal of Biomedical Optics 30(2), 026001 (2025). [Link] [PDF]

[J132] A. Das, and M. Pramanik*, “Nanosecond pulsed current source for light emitting diode (LED) driven photoacoustic signal acquisition systems,” Journal of Physics: Photonics 7(1), 015015 (2025). [Link] [PDF]

[J131] Z. Zhang, Z. Pan, Z. Lin, A. Sharma, C. -W. Lin, M. Pramanik, and Y. Zheng*, “Acoustic resolution photoacoustic microscopy imaging enhancement: integration of group sparsity with deep denoiser prior,” IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 34, 522-537 (2025). [Link] [PDF]

[J130] S. Hakakzadeh, P. Rajendran, Z. Kavehvash, and M. Pramanik*, Enhancing image quality in circular-view photoacoustic tomography using randomized detection points,” Journal of Physics: Photonics 7(1), 015006 (2025). [Link] [PDF]

[J129] V. Periyasamy, K. Gisi, and M. Pramanik*, “Ex vivo human teeth imaging with various photoacoustic imaging systems,” Biomedical Optics Express 15(9), 5479-5490 (2024). [Link] [PDF]

[J128] X. Hui, P. Rajendran, T. Ling, X. Dai, L. Xing, and M. Pramanik*, “Ultrasound-guided needle tracking with deep learning: A novel approach with photoacoustic ground truth,” Photoacoustics 34, 100575 (2023). [Link] [PDF]

[J127] R. Haindl*, V. Bellemo, P. Rajendran, B. Tan, M. Liu, B. S. Lee, Q. Zhou, R. A. Leitgeb, W. Drexeler, L. Schmetterer, and M. Pramanik*, Visible light photoacoustic ophthalmoscopy and near-infrared-II optical coherence tomography in the mouse eye,” APL Photonics 8(10), 106108 (2023). [Link] [PDF]

[J126] N. N. Boustany, M. Niedre, and M. Pramanik, “Special section guest editorial: seeing inside tissue with optical molecular probe,” Journal of Biomedical Optics 28(8), 082801 (2023). [Link] [PDF]

[J125] H. Assi, R. Cao, M. Castelino, B. Cox, F. J. Gilbert, J. Grohl, K. Gurusamy, L. Hacker, A. M. Ivory, J. Joseph, F. Knieling, M. J. Leahy, L. Lilaj, S. Manohar, I. Meglinski, C. Moran, A. Murray, A. A. Oraevsky, M. D. Pagel, M. Pramanik, J. Raymond, M. K. A. Singh, W. Vogt, L. Wang, S. Yang, Members of IPASC, and S. E. Bohndiek* “A review of strategic roadmapping exercise to advance clinical translation of photoacoustic imaging: From current barriers to future adoption,” Photoacoustics 23, 100539 (2023). [Link] [PDF]

[J124] K. C. Chong, and M. Pramanik*, Physics-guided neural network for tissue optical properties estimation,” Biomedical Optics Express 14(6), 2576-2590 (2023). [Link] [PDF]

[J123] X. Hui, P. Rajendran, M. A. I. Zulkifli, T. Ling, and M. Pramanik*, Android mobile-platform-based image reconstruction for photoacoustic tomography,” Journal of Biomedical Optics 28(4), 046009 (2023). [Link] [PDF]

[J122] Z. Zhang, H. Jin, W. Zhang, W. Lu, Z. Zheng, A. Sharma, M. Pramanik, and Y. Zheng*, Adaptive enhancement of acoustic resolution photoacoustic microscopy imaging via deep CNN prior,” Photoacoustics 30, 100484 (2023). [Link] [PDF]

[J121] S. Hakakzadeh, P. Rajendran, V. A. Nili, Z. Kavehvash*, and M. Pramanik, A spatial-domain factor for sparse-sampling circular-view photoacoustic tomography,” IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 29(4), 6800409 (2023). [Link] [PDF]

[J120] C. Yang, W. Zhang, X. Pang, F. Xiao, S. K. Kalva, Y. Zhang, M. Pramanik, L. Tian, G. Liu, and M. Wang*, Polyester-tethered near-infrared fluorophores confined in colloidal nanoparticles: Tunable and thermoresponsive aggregation and biomedical applications,” Aggregate 4(2), e261 (2023). [Link] [PDF]

[J119] Z. Zhang, H. Jin, Z. Zheng, A. Sharma, L. Wang, M. Pramanik*, and Y. Zheng*, “Deep and domain transfer learning aided photoacoustic microscopy: acoustic resolution to optical resolution,” IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 41(12), 3636-3648 (2022). [Link] [PDF]

[J118] X. Hui, M. O. A. Malik, and M. Pramanik*, Looking deep inside tissue with photoacoustic molecular probe: a review,” Journal of Biomedical Optics 27(7), 070901 (2022). [Link] [PDF]

[J117] P. Rajendran, and M. Pramanik*, “High frame rate (~3 Hz) circular photoacoustic tomography using single-element ultrasound transducer aided with deep learning,” Journal of Biomedical Optics 27(6), 066005 (2022). [Link] [PDF

[J116] S. Hakakzadeh, M. Mozaffarzadeh, S. M. Mostafavi, Z. Kavehvash*, P. Rajendran, M. Verweij, N. D. Jong, and M. Pramanik*, “Multi-angle data acquisition to compensate transducer finite size in photoacoustic tomography,” Photoacoustics 27, 100373 (2022). [Link] [PDF]

[J115] A. Asadollahi, H. Latifi*, S. Zeynali, M. Pramanik, and H. Ghazvini, “Accuracy of peak-power compensation in fiber-guided and free-space acoustic-resolution photoacoustic microscopy,” Biomedical Optics Express 13(3), 1774-1783 (2022). [Link] [PDF]

[J114] P. Rajendran, A. Sharma, and M. Pramanik*, “Photoacoustic imaging aided with deep learning: a review,” Biomedical Engineering Letters 12(2), 155-173 (2022). [Link] [PDF]

[J113] D. Jana, D. Wang, P. Rajendran, A. K. Bindra, Y. Guo, J. Liu, M. Pramanik, and Y. Zhao*, Hybrid carbon dot assembly as a reactive oxygen species nanogenerator for ultrasound-assisted tumor ablation,” JACS Au 1(12), 2328-2338 (2021). [Link] [PDF]

[J112] P. Rajendran, and M. Pramanik*, “Deep-learning-based multi-transducer photoacoustic tomography imaging without radius calibration,” Optics Letters 46(18), 4510-4513 (2021). [Link] [PDF]

[J111] S. Deng, R. Haindl, E. Zhang, P. Beard, E. Scheuringer, C. Sturtzel, Q. Li, A. J. Deloria, H. Sattmann, R. A. Leitgeb, Y. Yuan, L. Schmetterer, M. Pramanik, M. Distel, W. Drexler, and M. Liu*, An optical coherence photoacoustic microscopy system using a fiber optic sensor,” APL Photonics 6(9), 096103 (2021). [Link] [PDF]

[J110] J. Prakash*, S. K. Kalva, M. Pramanik, and P. K. Yalavarthy, Binary photoacoustic tomography for improved vasculature imaging,” Journal of Biomedical Optics 26(8), 086004 (2021). [Link] [PDF] 

[J109] X. Su, M. Rakshit, P. Das, I. Gupta, D. Das, and M. Pramanik*, K. W. Ng*, and J. J. Kwan*, “Ultrasonic implantation and imaging of sound-sensitive theranostic agents for the treatment of arterial inflammation,” ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 13(21), 24422-24430 (2021). [Link] [PDF]

[J108] A. DiSpirito III, T. Vu, M. Pramanik, and J. Yao*, “Sounding out the hidden data: A concise review of deep learning in photoacoustic imaging,” Experimental Biology and Medicine 246(12), 1355-1367 (2021). [Link] [PDF]

[J107] I. Gupta, X. Su, U. S. Jonnalagadda, D. Das, M. Pramanik, and J. J. Kwan*, “Investigating the acoustic response and contrast enhancement of drug-loadable PLGA microparticles with various shapes and morphologies,” Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology 47(7), 1844-1856 (2021). [Link] [PDF]

[J106] S. Singh, S. Mishra, S. Juha, M. Pramanik, P. Padmanabhan*, and B. Gulyas*, “Nanotechnology facilitated cultured neuronal network and its potentials in regenerative medicine,” International Journal of Molecular Sciences 22(11), 5552 (2021). [Link] [PDF]

[J105] D. Das, K. Sivasubramanian, P. Rajendran, and M. Pramanik*, “Label-free high framerate imaging of circulating blood clots using dual modal ultrasound and photoacoustic system,” Journal of Biophotonics 14(3), e202000371 (2021). [Link] [PDF]

[J104] A. Asadollahi, H. Latifi*, M. Pramanik, H. Qazvini, A. Rezaei, H. Nikbakht, and A. Abedi, “Axial accuracy and signal enhancement in acoustic-resolution photoacoustic microscopy by laser jitter effect correction and pulse energy compensation,” Biomedical Optics Express 12(4), 1834-1845 (2021). [Link] [PDF]

[J103] D. Das, P. Rajendran, A. Sharma, and M. Pramanik*, “Another decade of photoacoustic imaging,” Physics in Medicine & Biology 66(5), 05TR01 (2021). [Link] [PDF

[J102] N. Awasthi, S. K. Kalva, M. Pramanik, and P. K. Yalavarthy*, “Dimensionality reduced plug and play priors for improving photoacoustic tomographic imaging with limited noisy data,” Biomedical Optics Express 12(3), 1320-1338 (2021). [Link] [PDF]

[J101] P. K. Yalavarthy, S. K. Kalva, M. Pramanik, and J. Prakash*, “Non-local means improves total-variation constrained photoacoustic image reconstruction,” Journal of Biophotonics 14(1), e202000191 (2021).  [Link] [PDF]

[J100] N. A. Rejesh, S. K. Kalva, M. Pramanik, and M. Arigovindan*, “Photo-acoustic tomographic image reconstruction from reduced data using physically inspired regularization,” Journal of Instrumentation 15, P12028 (2020). [Link] [PDF]

[J99] N. Awasthi, G. Jain, S. K. Kalva, M. Pramanik, and P. K. Yalavarthy*, “Deep neural network based sinogram super-resolution and bandwidth enhancement for limited-data photoacoustic tomography,” IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control 67(12), 2660-2673 (2020). [Link] [PDF]

[J98] P. Rajendran, and M. Pramanik*, “Deep learning approach to improve tangential resolution in photoacoustic tomography,” Biomedical Optics Express 11(12), 7311-7323 (2020). [Link] [PDF]

[J97] A. Sharma, and M. Pramanik*, “Convolution neural network for resolution enhancement and noise reduction in acoustic resolution photoacoustic microscopy,” Biomedical Optics Express 11(12), 6826-6839 (2020). [Link] [PDF]

[J96] P. K. Upputuri, and M. Pramanik*, “Recent advances in photoacoustic contrast agents for in vivo imaging,” Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Nanomedicine and Nanobiotechnology 12(4), e1618 (2020). [Link] [PDF]

[J95] S. Shamekhi, V. Periyasamy, M. Pramanik, M. Mehrmohammadi, and B. M. Asl*, “Eigenspace-based minimum variance beamformer combined with sign coherence factor: Application to linear array photoacoustic imaging,” Ultrasonics 108, 106174 (2020). [Link] [PDF

[J94] P. Rajendran, S. Sahu, R. A. Dienzo, and M. Pramanik*, “In vivo detection of venous sinus distension due to intracranial hypotension in small animal using pulsed-laser-diode photoacoustic tomography,” Journal of Biophotonics 13(6), e201960162 (2020). [Link] [PDF]

[J93] Y. Jiang, X. Zhao, J. Huang, J. Li, P. K. Upputuri, H. Sun, X. Han, M. Pramanik, Y. Miao, H. Duan, K. Pu*, and R. Zhang*, “Transformable hybrid semiconducting polymer nanozyme for second near-infrared photothermal ferrotherapy,” Nature Communications 11, 1857 (2020). [Link] [PDF]

[J92] A. Sharma, N. Ishak, T. Swee-Hin, and M. Pramanik*, “High resolution, label-free photoacoustic imaging of live chicken embryo developing in bioengineered eggshell,” Journal of Biophotonics 13(4), e201960108 (2020). [Link] [PDF]

[J91] P. K. Upputuri, D. Das, M. Maheshwari, Y. Yaowen, and M. Pramanik*, “Real-time monitoring of temperature using pulsed laser-diode-based photoacoustic system,” Optics Letters 45(3), 718-721 (2020). [Link] [PDF]

[J90] A. Sharma, Srishti, V. Periyasamy, and M. Pramanik*, “Photoacoustic imaging depth comparison at 532-, 800-, and 1064-nm wavelengths: Monte Carlo simulation and experimental validation,” Journal of Biomedical Optics 24(12), 121904 (2019). [Link] [PDF]

[J89] D. Das, and M. Pramanik*, “Combined ultrasound and photoacoustic imaging of blood clot during microbubbles-assisted sonothrombolysis,” Journal of Biomedical Optics 24(12), 121902 (2019). [Link] [PDF]

[J88] M. Mozaffarzadeh†,*, M. H. Varnosfaderani, A. Sharma, M. Pramanik*, N. D. Jong, and M. D. Verweij, “Enhanced contrast acoustic-resolution photoacoustic microscopy using double-stage delay-multiply-and-sum beamformer for vasculature imaging,” Journal of Biophotonics 12(11), e201900133 (2019). [Link] [PDF]

[J87] J. Prakash, D. Sanny, S. K. Kalva, M. Pramanik, and P. K. Yalavarthy*, “Fractional Regularization to Improve Photoacoustic Tomographic Image Reconstruction,” IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 38(8), 1935-1947 (2019). [Link] [PDF]

[J86] R. Paridar, M. Mozaffarzadeh, V. Periyasamy, M. Basij, M. Mehrmodammadi, M. Pramanik, and M. Orooji*, “Validation of delay-multiply-and-standard-deviation weighing factor for improved photoacoustic imaging of sentinel lymph node,” Journal of Biophotonics 12(6), e201800292 (2019). [Link] [PDF]

[J85] S. K. Kalva, P. K. Upputuri, P. Rajendran, R. A. Dienzo, and M. Pramanik*, “Pulsed laser diode based desktop photoacoustic tomography for monitoring wash-in and wash-out of dye in rat cortical vasculature,” Journal of Visualized Experiments 147, e59764 (2019). [Video Link] [PDF]

[J84] R. Paridar, M. Mozaffarzadeh, V. Periyasamy, M. Pramanik, M. Mehrmohammadi, and M. Orooji*, “Sparsity-based beamforming to enhance two-dimensional linear-array photoacoustic tomography,” Ultrasonics 96, 55-63 (2019). [Link] [PDF]

[J83] Z. Wang, X. Zhen, P. K. Upputuri, Y. Jiang, J. Lau, M. Pramanik, K. Pu*, and B. Xing*, “Redox-activatable and acid-enhanced nanotheranostics for second near-infrared photoacoustic tomography and combined photothermal tumor therapy,” ACS Nano 13(5), 5816-5825 (2019). [Link] [PDF]

[J82] V. Periyasamy, N. Das, A. Sharma, and M. Pramanik*, “1064 nm acoustic resolution photoacoustic microscopy,” Journal of Biophotonics 12(5), e201800357 (2019). [Link] [PDF]

[J81] N. Awasthi, K. R. Prabhakar, S. K. Kalva, M. Pramanik, R. V. Babu, and P. K. Yalavarthy*, “PA-Fuse: deep supervised approach for the fusion of photoacoustic images with distinct reconstruction characteristics,” Biomedical Optics Express 10(5), 2227-2243 (2019). [Link] [PDF

[J80] P. K. Upputuri, and M. Pramanik*, “Photoacoustic imaging in the second near-infrared window: a review,” Journal of Biomedical Optics 24(4), 040901 (2019). [Link] [PDF]

[J79] Y. Jiang, P. K. Upputuri, C. Xie, Z. Zeng, A. Sharma, X. Zhen, J. Li, J. Huang, M. Pramanik*, and K. Pu*, “Metabolizable Semiconducting Polymer Nanoparticles for Second Near-Infrared Photoacoustic Imaging,” Advanced Materials 31(11), 1808166 (2019). [Link] [PDF]

[J78] P. Warbal, M. Pramanik*, and R. K. Saha*, “Impact of sensor apodization on the tangential resolution in photoacoustic tomography,” Journal of the Optical Society of America A 36(2), 245-252 (2019). [Link] [PDF]

[J77] B. Park, H. Lee, P. K. Upputuri, M. Pramanik, D. Kim*, and C. Kim*, “Super-resolution photoacoustic microscopy using near-field localization by a plasmonic metal nanoaperture: a simulation study,” IEEE Journals of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 25(2), 4600107 (2019). [Link] [PDF]

[J76] S. K. Kalva, P. K. Upputuri, and M. Pramanik*, “High-speed, low-cost, pulsed-laser-diode-based second-generation desktop photoacoustic tomography system,” Optics Letters 44(1), 81-84 (2019). [Link] [PDF]

[J75] Z. Wang, P. K. Upputuri, X. Zhen, R. Zhang, Y. Jiang, X. Ai, Z. Zhang, M. Hu, Z. Meng, Y. Lu, Y. Zheng, K. Pu, M. Pramanik*, and B. Xing*, “pH-sensitive and biodegradable charge-transfer nanocomplex for second near-infrared photoacoustic tumor imaging,” Nano Research 12(1), 49-55 (2019). [Link] [PDF]

[J74] A. Sharma, S. K. Kalva, and M. Pramanik*, “A comparative study of continuous versus stop-and-go scanning in circular scanning photoacoustic tomography,” IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 25(1), 7100409 (2019). [Link] [PDF]

[J73] M. Mozaffarzadeh, A. Mahloojifar*, V. Periyasamy, M. Pramanik, and M. Orooji, “Eigenspace-Based Minimum Variance Combined with Delay Multiply and Sum Beamformer: Application to Linear-Array Photoacoustic Imaging,” IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 25(1), 6800608 (2019). [Link] [PDF]

[J72] S. Gutta, M. Bhatt, S. K. Kalva, M. Pramanik, and P. K. Yalavarthy*, “Modeling errors compensation with total least squares for limited data photoacoustic tomography,” IEEE Journals of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 25(1), 6800214 (2019). [Link] [PDF]

[J71]  P. K. Upputuri, C. Yang, S. Huang, K. Wang, M. Wang*, and M. Pramanik*, “Contrast-enhanced photoacoustic imaging in the second near-infrared window using semiconducting polymer nanoparticles,” Journal of Biomedical Optics 24(3), 031002 (2018). [Link] [PDF]

[J70] M. Mozaffarzadeh, V. Periyasamy, M. Pramanik*, B. Makkiabadi*, “Efficient nonlinear beamformer based on Pth root of detected signals for linear-array photoacoustic tomography: application to sentinel lymph node imaging,” Journal of Biomedical Optics 23(12), 121604 (2018). [Link] [PDF]

[J69] D. R. Sanny, J. Prakash, S. K. Kalva, M. Pramanik, and P. K. Yalavarthy*, “Spatially variant regularization based on model resolution and fidelity embedding characteristics improves photoacoustic tomography,” Journal of Biomedical Optics 23(10), 100502 (2018). [Link] [PDF]

[J68] N. Awasthi, S. K. Kalva, M. Pramanik, and P. K. Yalavarthy*,“Image guided filtering for improving photoacoustic tomographic image reconstruction,” Journal of Biomedical Optics 23(9), 091413 (2018). [Link] [PDF]

[J67] S. Gutta, S. K. Kalva, M. Pramanik, and P. K. Yalavarthy*, “Accelerated image reconstruction using extrapolated Tikhonov filtering for photoacoustic tomography,” Medical Physics 45(8), 3749-3767 (2018). [Link] [PDF]

[J66] T. Chuangsuwanich, M. Moothanchery, A. T. C. Yan, L. Schmetterer, M. J. A. Girard*, and M. Pramanik*, “Photoacoustic imaging of lamina cribrosa microcapillary in porcine eyes,” Applied Optics 57(17), 4865-4871 (2018). [Link] [PDF]

[J65] D. Das, K. Sivasubramanian, C. Yang, and M. Pramanik*, “On-chip generation of microbubbles in photoacoustic contrast agents for dual modal ultrasound/photoacoustic in vivo animal imaging,” Scientific Reports 8, 6401 (2018). [Link] [PDF]

[J64] P. K. Upputuri, and M. Pramanik*, “Fast photoacoustic imaging systems using pulsed laser diode - a review,” Biomedical Engineering Letters 8(2), 167-181 (2018). [Link] [PDF]

[J63] K. Sivasubramanian, V. Periyasamy, R. A. Dienzo, and M. Pramanik*, “Hand-held, clinical dual mode ultrasound-photoacoustic imaging of rat urinary bladder and its applications,” Journal of Biophotonics 11(5), e201700317 (2018). [Link] [PDF]

[J62] N. Awasthi, S. K. Kalva, M. Pramanik, and P. K. Yalavarthy*, “Vector extrapolation methods for accelerating iterative reconstruction methods in limited-data photoacoustic tomography,” Journal of Biomedical Optics 23(7), 071204 (2018). [Link] [PDF]

[J61] S. K. Kalva, Z. Z. Hui, and M. Pramanik*, “Calibrating reconstruction radius in a multi single-element ultrasound-transducer-based photoacoustic computed tomography system,” Journal of the Optical Society of America A 35(5), 764-771 (2018). [Link] [PDF

[J60] J. Zhou, Y. Jiang, S. Hou, P. K. Upputuri, D. Wu, J. Li, P. Wang, X. Zhen, M. Pramanik, K. Pu*, and H. Duan*, “Compact Plasmonic Blackbody for Cancer Theranosis in Near-Infrared II Window,” ACS Nano 12(3), 2643-2651 (2018). [Link] [PDF]

[J59] K. Sivasubramanian, V. Periyasamy, and M. Pramanik*, “Non-invasive sentinel lymph node mapping and needle guidance using clinical handheld photoacoustic imaging system in small animal,” Journal of Biophotonics 11(1), e201700061 (2018). [Link] [PDF]

[J58] V. Periyasamy, and M. Pramanik*, “Advances in Monte Carlo simulation for light propagation in tissue,” IEEE Reviews in Biomedical Engineering 10(1), 122-135 (2017). [Link] [PDF]

[J57] M. Moothanchery, R. Z. Seeni, C. Xu*, and M. Pramanik*, “In vivo studies of transdermal nanoparticle delivery with microneedles using photoacoustic microscopy,” Biomedical Optics Express 8(12), 5483-5492 (2017). [Link] [PDF]

[J56] S. Gutta, V. S. Kadimesetty, S. K. Kalva, M. Pramanik, S. Ganapathy, and P. K. Yalavarthy*, “Deep neural network-based bandwidth enhancement of photoacoustic data,” Journal of Biomedical Optics 22(11), 116001 (2017). [Link] [PDF]  

[J55] V. Periyasamy, M. Pramanik*, and P. K. Ghosh*, “Review on heart-rate estimation from photoplethysmography and accelerometer signals during physical exercise,” Journal of the Indian Institute of Science 97(3), 313-324 (2017). [Link] [PDF]

[J54] K. Sivasubramanian, V. Periyasamy, and M. Pramanik*, “Hand-held clinical photoacoustic imaging system for real-time non-invasive small animal imaging,” Journal of Visualized Experiments 128, e56649 (2017). [Video Link] [PDF]

[J53] P. K. Upputuri, and M. Pramanik*, “Dynamic in vivo imaging of small animal brain using pulsed laser diode-based photoacoustic tomography system,” Journal of Biomedical Optics 22(9), 090501 (2017). [Link] [PDF]

[J52] Y. Jiang, D. Cui, Y. Fang, P. K. Upputuri, M. Pramanik, D. Ding, and K. Pu*, “Amphiphilic semiconducting polymer as multifunctional nanocarrier for fluorescence/photoacoustic imaging guided chemo-photothermal therapy,” Biomaterials 145, 168-177 (2017). [Link] [PDF]

[J51] P. K. Upputuri, and M. Pramanik*, “Microsphere-aided optical microscopy and its applications for super-resolution imaging,” Optics Communications 404, 32-41 (2017). [Link] [PDF]

[J50] Y. Jiang, P. K. Upputuri, C. Xie, Y. Lyu, L. Zhang, Q. Xiong, M. Pramanik*, and K. Pu*, “Broadband Absorbing Semiconducting Polymer Nanoparticles for Photoacoustic Imaging in Second Near-Infrared Window,” Nano Letters 17(8), 4964-4969 (2017). [Link] [PDF]

[J49] S. A. Chechetka, Y. Yu, X. Zhen, M. Pramanik, K. Pu, and E. Miyako*, “Light-driven liquid metal nanotransformers for biomedical theranostics,” Nature Communications 8, 15432 (2017). [Link] [PDF]

[J48] M. Moothanchery*, V. Bavigadda, M. Pramanik, V. Toal, and I. Naydenova*, “Application of Phase Shifting Electronic Speckle Pattern Interferometry in Studies of Photoinduced Shrinkage of Photopolymer layers,” Optics Express 25(9), 9647-9653 (2017). [Link] [PDF]

[J47] P. K. Upputuri, V. Periyasamy, S. K. Kalva, and M. Pramanik*, “A high-performance compact photoacoustic tomography system for in vivo small-animal brain imaging,” Journal of Visualized Experiments 124, e55811 (2017). [Video Link] [PDF

[J46] M. Moothanchery, A. Sharma, and M. Pramanik*, “Switchable Acoustic and Optical Resolution Photoacoustic Microscopy for in vivo small-animal blood vasculature imaging,” Journal of Visualized Experiments 124, e55810 (2017). [Video Link] [PDF

[J45] Y. Gawale, N. Adarsh, S. K. Kalva, J. Joseph, M. Pramanik*, D. Ramaiah*, and N. Sekar*, “Carbazole Linked NIR Aza-BODIPY Dyes as Triplet Sensitizers and Photoacoustic Contrast Agents for Deep Tissue Imaging,” Chemistry - A European Journal 23(27), 6570-6578 (2017). [Link] [PDF]

[J44] K. Sivasubramanian, V. Periyasamy, K. K. Wen, and M. Pramanik*, “Optimizing light delivery through fiber bundle in photoacoustic imaging with clinical ultrasound system: Monte Carlo simulation and experimental validation,” Journal of Biomedical Optics 22(4), 041008 (2017). [Link] [PDF]

[J43] K. Sivasubramanian, M. Mathiyazhakan, C. Wiraja, P. K. Upputuri, C. Xu*, and M. Pramanik*, “Near Infrared light-responsive liposomal contrast agent for photoacoustic imaging and drug release application,” Journal of Biomedical Optics 22(4), 041007 (2017). [Link] [PDF]

[J42] P. K. Upputuri, M. Krisnan, and M. Pramanik*, “Microsphere enabled sub-diffraction limited optical-resolution photoacoustic microscopy: a simulation study,” Journal of Biomedical Optics 22(4), 045001 (2017). [Link] [PDF]

[J41] P. K. Upputuri, and M. Pramanik*, “Recent advances towards preclinical and clinical translation of photoacoustic tomography: a review,” Journal of Biomedical Optics 22(4), 041006 (2017). [Link] [PDF]

[J40] S. K. Kalva, and M. Pramanik*, “Use of acoustic reflector to make compact photoacoustic tomography system,” Journal of Biomedical Optics 22(2), 026009 (2017). [Link] [PDF

[J39] C. Xie, X. Zhen, P. K. Upputuri, M. Pramanik, and K. Pu*, “Self-Quenched Semiconducting Polymer Nanoparticles for Amplified In Vivo Photoacoustic Imaging,” Biomaterials 119, 1-8 (2017). [Link] [PDF]

[J38] M. Moothanchery, and M. Pramanik*, “Performance Characterization of a Switchable Acoustic and Optical Resolution Photoacoustic Microscopy system,” Sensors 17(2), 357 (2017). [Link] [PDF]

[J37] J. Zhang, X. Zhen, P. K. Upputuri, M. Pramanik, P. Chen, and K. Pu*, “Activatable Photoacoustic Nanoprobes for In Vivo Ratiometric Imaging of Peroxynitrite,” Advanced Materials 29(6), 1604764 (2017). [Link] [PDF]

[J36] M. Mathiyazhakan, P. K. Upputuri, K. Sivasubramanian, A. Dhayani, P. K. Vemula, P. Zou, K. Pu, C. Yang, M. Pramanik, and C. Xu*, “In Situ Synthesis of Gold Nanostars within Liposomes for Controlled Drug Release and Photoacoustic Imaging,” Science China Materials 59(11), 892-900 (2016). [Link] [PDF]

[J35] C. Wiraja, M. Mathiyazhakan, F. Movahedi, P. K. Upputuri, Y. Cheng, M. Pramanik, L. Yang, B. David, and C. Xu*, “Near-infrared light-sensitive liposomes for enhanced plasmid DNA transfection,” Bioengineering & Translational Medicine 1(3), 357-364 (2016). [Link] [PDF]

[J34] S. K. Kalva, and M. Pramanik*, “Experimental validation of tangential resolution improvement in photoacoustic tomography using a modified delay-and-sum reconstruction algorithm,” Journal of Biomedical Optics 21(8), 086011 (2016). [Link] [PDF]

[J33] Verawaty, and M. Pramanik*, “Simulating photoacoustic waves from individual nanoparticle of various shapes using k-waves,” Biomedical Physics & Engineering Express 2(3), 035013 (2016). [Link] [PDF]

[J32] P. K. Upputuri*, M. Pramanik, K. M. Nandigana, and M. P. Kothiyal, “Multi-colour microscopic interferometry for optical metrology and imaging applications,” Optics and Lasers in Engineering 84, 10-25 (2016). [Link] [PDF]

[J31] V. Periyasamy, and M. Pramanik*, “Importance sampling-based Monte Carlo simulation of time-domain optical coherence tomography with embedded objects,” Applied Optics 55(11), 2921-2929 (2016). [Link] [PDF]  [Equation 10 in the published version has a typo. The first line of the quation will have a '<' sign.  (l_c/2)<|opl-2z_max|]

[J30] S. Huang, P. K. Upputuri, H. Liu, M. Pramanik*, and M. Wang*, “A dual-functional benzobisthiadiazole derivative as an effective theranostic agent for near-infrared photoacoustic imaging and photothermal therapy,” Journal of Materials Chemistry B 4(9), 1696-1703 (2016). [Link] [PDF]

[J29] K. Sivasubramanian, and M. Pramanik*, “High frame rate photoacoustic imaging at 7000 frames per second using clinical ultrasound system,” Biomedical Optics Express 7(2), 312-323 (2016). [Link] [PDF]

[J28] P. K. Upputuri, and M. Pramanik*, “Pulsed Laser Diode Based Optoacoustic Imaging of Biological Tissues,” Biomedical Physics & Engineering Express 1(4), 045010 (2015). [Link] [PDF]

[J27] P. K. Upputuri, and M. Pramanik*, “Performance characterization of low-cost, high-speed, portable pulsed laser diode photoacoustic tomography (PLD-PAT) system,” Biomedical Optics Express 6(10), 4118-4129 (2015). [Link] [PDF]

[J26] V. Periyasamy, S. Sil, G. Dhal, F. Ariese, S. Umapathy*, and M. Pramanik*, “Experimentally validated Raman Monte Carlo simulation for a cuboid object to obtain Raman Spectroscopic signature for hidden material,” Journal of Raman Spectroscopy 46(7), 669-676 (2015). [Link] [PDF]

[J25] M. Pramanik*, and C. Kim*, “Looking Deeper: Multimodal and Contrast Enhanced Photoacoustic Imaging offer a clearer view within tissues for more accurate diagnosis,” IEEE Pulse 6(3), 38-41 (2015). [Link] [PDF]

[J24] P. K. Upputuri, K. Sivasubramanian, C. S. K. Mark*, and M. Pramanik*, “Recent developments in vascular imaging techniques in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine,” BioMed Research International, vol. 2015, Article ID 783983, 9 pages (2015). [Link] [PDF]

[J23] P. K. Upputuri, Z. B. Wen, Z. Wu, and M. Pramanik*, “Super-resolution photoacoustic microscopy using photonic nanojets: a simulation study,” Journal of Biomedical Optics 19(11), 116003 (2014). [Link] [PDF]

[J22] P. K. Upputuri*, S. Umapathy, M. Pramanik, M. P. Kothiyal, and K. M. Nandigana, “Use of two wavelengths in microscopic TV holography for nondestructive testing,” Optical Engineering 53(11), 110501 (2014). [Link] [PDF]

[J21] P. K. Upputuri*, L. Gong, H. Wang, M. Pramanik, K. M. Nandigana, and M. P. Kothiyal, “Measurement of large discontinuities using white light interferogram,” Optics Express 22(22), 27373-27380 (2014). [Link] [PDF]

[J20] J. Prakash, A. S. Raju, C. B. Shaw, M. Pramanik*, and P. K. Yalavarthy*, “Basis pursuit deconvolution for improving model-based reconstructed images in photoacoustic tomography,” Biomedical Optics Express 5(5), 1363-1377 (2014). [Link] [PDF]

[J19] V. Periyasamy, and M. Pramanik*, “Monte Carlo simulation of light transport in turbid medium with embedded object - spherical, cylindrical, ellipsoidal, or cuboidal object embedded within multilayered tissues,” Journal of Biomedical Optics 19(4), 045003 (2014). [Link] [PDF]

[J18] M. Pramanik*, “Improving tangential resolution with a modified delay-and-sum reconstruction algorithm in photoacoustic and thermoacoustic tomography,” Journal of Optical Society of America A 31(3), 621-627 (2014). [Link] [PDF]

[J17] V. Periyasamy, and M. Pramanik*, “Monte Carlo simulation of light transport in tissue for optimizing light delivery in photoacoustic imaging of the sentinel lymph node,” Journal of Biomedical Optics 18(10), 106008 (2013). [Link] [PDF]

[J16] N. A. Rejesh, H. Pullagurla, and M. Pramanik*, “Deconvolution based deblurring of reconstructed images in photoacoustic/thermoacoustic tomography,” Journal of the Optical Society of America A 30(10), 1994-2001 (2013). [Link] [PDF]

[J15] C. B. Shaw, J. Prakash, M. Pramanik*, and P. K. Yalavarthy*, “Least squares QR-based decomposition provides an efficient way of computing optimal regularization parameter in photoacoustic tomography,” Journal of Biomedical Optics 18(8), 080501 (2013). [Link] [PDF]

[J14] D. Pan*, M. Pramanik, S. A. Wickline, L. H. V. Wang, and G. M. Lanza, “Recent Advances in Colloidal Gold Nanobeacons for Molecular Photoacoustic Imaging,” Contrast Media and Molecular Imaging 6(5), 378-388 (2011). [Link] [PDF]

[J13] X. Cai, C. H. Kim, M. Pramanik, and L. H. V. Wang*, “Photoacoustic tomography of foreign bodies in soft biological tissue,” Journal of Biomedical Optics 16(4), 046017 (2011). [Link] [PDF]

[J12] D. Pan†,*, M. Pramanik, A. Senpan, John S. Allen, Huiying Zhang, S. A. Wickline, L. H. V. Wang*, and G. M. Lanza, “Molecular photoacoustic imaging of angiogenesis with integrin targeted gold nanobeacons,” FASEB J 25(3), 875-882 (2011). [Link] [PDF]

[J11] D. Pan*, M. Pramanik, A. Senpan, S. A. Wickline, L. H. V. Wang*, and G. M. Lanza, “A facile synthesis of novel self-assembled gold nanorods designed for near-infrared imaging,” Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 10(12), 8118-8123 (2010). [Link] [PDF]

[J10] T. N. Erpelding, C. Kim, M. Pramanik, L. Jankovic, K. Maslov, Z. Guo, J. A. Margenthaler, M. D. Pashley, and L. H. V. Wang*, “Sentinel lymph nodes in the rat: Noninvasive photoacoustic and US imaging with a clinical US system,” Radiology 256(1), 102-110 (2010). [Link] [PDF]

[J9] D. Pan†,*, M. Pramanik, A. Senpan, S. Ghosh, S. A. Wickline, L. H. V. Wang*, and G. M. Lanza, “Near infrared photoacoustic detection of sentinel lymph nodes with gold nanobeacons,” Biomaterials 31(14), 4088-4093 (2010). [Link] [PDF]

[J8] M. Pramanik, and L. H. V. Wang*, “Thermoacoustic and Photoacoustic Sensing of Temperature,” Journal of Biomedical Optics 14(5), 054024 (2009). [Link] [PDF]

[J7] M. Pramanik, K. H. Song, M. Swierczewska, D. Green, B. Sitharaman*, and L. H. V. Wang*, “In vivo carbon nanotube-enhanced non-invasive photoacoustic mapping of the sentinel lymph node,” Physics in Medicine & Biology 54(11), 3291-3301 (2009). [Link] [PDF]

[J6] D. Pan†,*, M. Pramanik, A. Senpan, X. Yang, K. H. Song, M. J. Scott, H. Zhang, P. J. Gaffney, S. A. Wickline, L. H. V. Wang*, and G. M. Lanza, “Molecular Photoacoustic Tomography with Colloidal Nanobeacons,” Angewandte Chemie International Edition 48(23), 4170-4173 (2009). [Link] [PDF]

[J5] M. Pramanik, M. Swierczewska, D. Green, B. Sitharaman*, and L. H. V. Wang*, “Single-walled carbon nanotubes as a multimodal - thermoacoustic and photoacoustic - contrast agent,” Journal of Biomedical Optics 14(3), 034018 (2009). [Link] [PDF]

[J4] M. Pramanik, G. Ku, and L. H. V. Wang*, “Tangential resolution improvement in thermoacoustic and photoacoustic tomography using a negative acoustic lens,” Journal of Biomedical Optics 14(2), 024028 (2009). [Link] [PDF]

[J3] M. Pramanik, G. Ku, C. H. Li, and L. H. V. Wang*, “Design and evaluation of a novel breast cancer detection system combining both thermo-acoustic (TA) and photo-acoustic (PA) tomography,” Medical Physics 35(6), 2218-2223 (2008). [Link] [PDF]

[J2] C. H. Li, M. Pramanik, G. Ku, and L. H. V. Wang*, “Image distortion in thermoacoustic tomography caused by microwave diffraction,” Physical Review E 77(3), 031923 (2008). [Link] [PDF]

[J1] P. K. Yalavarthy, K. Karlekar, H. S. Patel, R. M. Vasu*, M. Pramanik, P. C. Mathias*, B. Jain, and P. K. Gupta, “Experimental investigation of perturbation Monte-Carlo based derivative estimation for imaging low-scattering tissue,” Optics Express 13(3), 985-997 (2005). [Link] [PDF]

Conference Proceedings:

The copyright of the following publications has been transferred to the publisher. These articles may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and/or publisher.

[CP69] V. Periyasamy, A. Das, and M. Pramanik, “Dual illumination handheld photoacoustic imaging system with light emitting diode and pulsed laser diode,” Proc SPIE, 2025 (In Press).

[CP68] A. Das, and M. Pramanik, “Pulsed LED Array Based Photoacoustic Computed Tomography System: A cost-effective approach to advance biomedical imaging,” Proc SPIE, 2025 (In Press).

[CP67] K. Gisi, and M. Pramanik, “Photoacoustic Imaging for Efficient Dataset Automation in Deep Learning Aided Ultrasound-Guided Needle Tracking,” Proc SPIE, 2025 (In Press).

[CP66] V. Periyasamy, A. Das, and M. Pramanik, “Wireless ultra-compact handheld dual mode ultrasound and photoacoustic imaging,” Proc SPIE, 2025 (In Press).

[CP65] X. Hui, P. Rajendran, T. Ling, and M. Pramanik, “PACT Image Reconstruction: From Sinograms to Images Using Neural Networks,” Proc SPIE, 2025 (In Press).

[CP64] X. Hui, P. Rajendran, T. Ling, and M. Pramanik, Advancing ultrasound-guided needle visibility: deep learning empowered by photoacoustic imaging,” Proc. SPIE 12842, 1284213 (2024). [Link] [PDF]

[CP63] P. Rajendran, and M. Pramanik, “Deep learning based high frame rate photoacoustic tomography,” Proc. SPIE 12379, 123791A (2023). [Link] [PDF]

[CP62] X. Hui, P. Rajendran, M. A. I. Zulkifli, and M. Pramanik, “Photoacoustic image reconstruction on a mobile platform,” Proc. SPIE 12379, 123791I (2023). [Link] [PDF]

[CP61] R. Haindl, V. Bellemo, P. Rajendran, B. Tan, M. Liu, R. Leitgeb, W. Drexler, L. Schmetterer, and M. Pramanik, “Additive manufacturing for multimodal photoacoustic ophthalmoscopy,” Proc. SPIE 12379, 1237908 (2023). [Link] [PDF]

[CP60] P. Rajendran, and M. Pramanik, “Multi-transducer photoacoustic tomography imaging without radius calibration using deep learning,” Proc. SPIE 11960, 1196008 (2022). [Link] [PDF]

[CP59] P. Rajendran, and M. Pramanik, “Application of deep learning to improve tangential resolution in photoacoustic tomography,” Proc. SPIE 11642, 116423E (2021). [Link] [PDF]

[CP58] A. Sharma, and M. Pramanik, “Improving out-of-focus resolution in acoustic resolution photoacoustic microscopy using deep learning,” Proc. SPIE 11642, 1164247 (2021). [Link] [PDF]

[CP57] D. Das, and M. Pramanik, “A study of laser irradiation-aided sonothrombolysis using gold nanoparticles-coated microbubbles via combined ultrasound (US) and photoacoustic (PA) imaging,” Proc. SPIE 11642, 116424G (2021). [Link] [PDF]

[CP56] D. Das, L. S. Wei, and M. Pramanik, “A study of the effect of microbubbles with different gas cores and saline solution on microbubbles-assisted sonothrombolysis via combined ultrasound and photoacoustic imaging,” Proc. SPIE 11642, 116424H (2021). [Link] [PDF]

[CP55] A. Sharma, V. Periyasamy, and M. Pramanik, “Monte Carlo simulations and photoacoustic experiments to compare imaging depth at 532 nm, 800 nm, and 1064 nm,” Proc. SPIE 11240, 1124043 (2020). [Link] [PDF]

[CP54] A. Sharma, N. Ishak, T. Swee-Hin, C. Cheung, and M. Pramanik, “Photoacoustic imaging of live chicken embryo at multiple developmental stages,” Proc. SPIE 11240, 1124030 (2020). [Link] [PDF]

[CP53] P. Rajendran, S. Sahu, R. A. Dienzo, and M. Pramanik, “In vivo evaluation of cerebral venous sinus morphology using pulsed-laser-diode-based desktop photoacoustic tomography system,” Proc. SPIE 11240, 112402Z (2020). [Link] [PDF]

[CP52] P. K. Upputuri, P. Rajendran, and M. Pramanik, “Simultaneous profiling of optically smooth and rough surfaces using dual-wavelength interferometry,” Proc. SPIE 11249, 112491I (2020). [Link] [PDF]

[CP51] P. K. Upputuri, P. Rajendran, and M. Pramanik, “RGB speckle pattern interferometry for surface metrology,” Proc. SPIE 11249, 112491H (2020). [Link] [PDF]

[CP50] P. Warbal, R. Prakash, M. Pramanik, and R. K. Saha, “Wiener filtering for deblurring of reconstructed images in photoacoustic tomography with finite size apodized transducers,” TENCON 2019 - 2019 IEEE Region 10 Conference (TENCON), pp 96-101, IEEE 2019. [Link] [PDF]

[CP49] P. Warbal, M. Pramanik, and R. K. Saha, “A robust modified delay-and-sum algorithm for photoacoustic tomography imaging with apodized sensors,” Proc. SPIE 11077, 1107713 (2019). [Link] [PDF]

[CP48] K. Sivasubramanian, D. Das, and M. Pramanik, “High frame rate photoacoustic imaging of blood clots,” Proc. SPIE 10878, 108785Y (2019). [Link] [PDF]

[CP47] S. K. Kalva, P. K. Upputuri, R. A. Dienzo, and M. Pramanik, “Pulsed laser diode based photoacoustic tomography system using multiple acoustic reflector based single element ultrasound transducers,” Proc. SPIE 10878, 1087831 (2019). [Link] [PDF]

[CP46] P. K. Upputuri, and M. Pramanik, “Multiple wavelength fringe analysis for surface profile measurements,” Proc. SPIE 10887, 108872E (2019). [Link] [PDF]

[CP45] P. K. Upputuri, and M. Pramanik, “Photoacoustic monitoring of tissue temperature at high temporal resolution,” Proc. SPIE 10878, 1087832 (2019). [Link] [PDF]

[CP44] P. K. Upputuri, and M. Pramanik, “Applications of higher-order phase shifting algorithms for multiple-wavelength metrology,” Proc. SPIE 10887, 108871Y (2019). [Link] [PDF]

[CP43] M. Mozaffarzadeh, V. Periyasamy, P. K. Upputuri, M. Pramanik, and B. Makkiabadi, “An efficient image formation algorithm for real-time linear-array photoacoustic tomography,” Proc. SPIE 10878, 108785D (2019). [Link] [PDF]

[CP42] M. H. H. Varnosfaderani, M. Mozaffarzadeh, P. K. Upputuri, and M. Pramanik, “Genetic algorithm for feedback-based wavefront shaping in optical imaging,” Proc. SPIE 10878, 108786G (2019). [Link] [PDF]

[CP41] D. Das, K. K. A. Villanueva, and M. Pramanik, “A study of the effect of PEG-40 surfactant concentration on the stability of microbubbles post-injection through various needle sizes and its ultrasound imaging performance,” Proc. SPIE 10878, 1087834 (2019). [Link] [PDF]

[CP40] D. Das, and M. Pramanik, “A study of blood clots using photoacoustic imaging during sonothrombolysis,” Proc. SPIE 10878, 1087835 (2019). [Link] [PDF]

[CP39] S. Jayasankar, V. Periyasamy, S. Umapathy, and M. Pramanik, “Raman Monte Carlo Simulation of Tooth Model with Embedded Sphere for Different Launch Beam Configurations,” 4th International Conference on Biosignals, Images and Instrumentation (ICBSII), IEEE, pp 206-212 (2018). [Link] [PDF]

[CP38] P. K. Upputuri, and M. Pramanik, “Phase shifting white light interferometry using colour CCD for optical metrology and bio-imaging applications,” Proc. SPIE 10503, 105032E (2018). [Link] [PDF]

[CP37] S. K. Kalva, Z. Z. Hui, and M. Pramanik, “Multiple single-element transducer photoacoustic computed tomography system,” Proc. SPIE 10494, 104944D (2018). [Link] [PDF]

[CP36] M. Moothanchery, A. Sharma, V. Periyasamy, and M. Pramanik, “High resolution and deep tissue imaging using a near infrared acoustic resolution photoacoustic microscopy,” Proc. SPIE 10494, 104945R (2018). [Link] [PDF]

[CP35] B. Park, H. Lee, P. K. Upputuri, M. Pramanik, D. Kim, and C. Kim, “Super-resolution photoacoustic microscopy using a localized near-field of a plasmonic nanoaperture: A three-dimensional simulation study,” Proc. SPIE 10494, 104945T (2018). [Link] [PDF]

[CP34] K. Sivasubramanian, V. Periyasamy, D. R. Austria, and M. Pramanik, “Photoacoustic cystography using handheld dual modal clinical ultrasound photoacoustic imaging system,” Proc. SPIE 10494, 1049442 (2018). [Link] [PDF]

[CP33] P. K. Upputuri, Y. Jiang, K. Pu, and M. Pramanik, “Photoacoustic imaging at 1064 nm wavelength with exogenous contrast agents,” Proc. SPIE 10494, 104943K (2018). [Link] [PDF]

[CP32] D. Das, K. Sivasubramanian, C. Yang, and M. Pramanik, “Microfluidics-based microbubbles in methylene blue solution for photoacoustic and ultrasound imaging,” Proc. SPIE 10494, 104944G (2018). [Link] [PDF]

[CP31] A. Sharma, S. K. Kalva, and M. Pramanik, “Comparison of continuous and stop-and-go scanning techniques in photoacoustic tomography,” Proc. SPIE 10494, 104943L (2018). [Link] [PDF]

[CP30] M. Moothanchery, R. Z. Seeni, C. Xu, and M. Pramanik, “Photoacoustic microscopy imaging for microneedle drug delivery,” Proc. SPIE 10494, 104945P (2018). [Link] [PDF]

[CP29] M. Moothanchery, T. Chuangsuwanich, A. T. C. Yan, L. Schmetterer, M. J. A. Girard, and M. Pramanik, “Microcapillary imaging of lamina cribrosa in porcine eyes using photoacoustic microscopy,” Proc. SPIE 10494, 104945Q (2018). [Link] [PDF]

[CP28] V. Periyasamy, H. B. Jaafar, and M. Pramanik, “Raman Monte Carlo Simulation for light propagation for tissue with embedded objects,” Proc. SPIE 10492, 104920V (2018). [Link] [PDF]

[CP27] V. Periyasamy, M. Rangaraj, and M. Pramanik, “Photoacoustic imaging of teeth for dentine imaging and enamel characterization,” Proc. SPIE 10473, 1047309 (2018). [Link] [PDF]

[CP26] S. K. Kalva, and M. Pramanik, “Modified delay-and-sum reconstruction algorithm to improve tangential resolution in photoacoustic tomography,” Proc. SPIE 10064, 100643W (2017). [Link] [PDF]

[CP25] S. K. Kalva, and M. Pramanik, “Compact photoacoustic tomography system,” Proc. SPIE 10064, 100643X (2017). [Link] [PDF]

[CP24] P. K. Upputuri, S. K. Kalva, M. Moothanchery, and M. Pramanik, “Pulsed laser diode photoacoustic tomography (PLD-PAT) system for fast in vivo imaging of small animal brain,” Proc. SPIE 10064, 100645O (2017). [Link] [PDF]

[CP23] P. K. Upputuri, M. Krisnan, M. Moothanchery, and M. Pramanik, “Photonic nanojet engineering to achieve super-resolution in photo-acoustic microscopy – a simulation study,” Proc. SPIE 10064, 100644S (2017). [Link] [PDF]

[CP22] M. Moothanchery, and M. Pramanik, “Combined optical and acoustic resolution photoacoustic microscopy,” Proc. SPIE 10064, 100644P (2017). [Link] [PDF]

[CP21] K. Sivasubramanian, V. Periyasamy, K. K. Wen, and M. Pramanik, “Optimising probe holder design for sentinel lymph node imaging using clinical photoacoustic system with Monte Carlo simulation,” Proc. SPIE 10064, 100465N (2017). [Link] [PDF]

[CP20] M. Moothanchery, M. Pramanik, V. Toal, and I. Naydenova, “Effect of monomer diffusion on photoinduced shrinkage in photopolymer layers determined by Electronic speckle pattern interferometry,” Proc. SPIE 10127, 101270W (2017). [Link] [PDF]

[CP19] V. Bavigadda, M. Moothanchery, M. Pramanik, E. Mihaylova, and V. Toal, “Compact holographic optical element based electronic speckle pattern interferometer for rotation and vibration measurements,” Proc. SPIE 10127, 101270X (2017). [Link] [PDF]

[CP18] P. K. Upputuri, and M. Pramanik, “High-speed pre-clinical brain imaging using pulsed laser diode based photoacoustic tomography (PLD-PAT) system,” Proc. SPIE 9708, 97084R (2016). [Link] [PDF]

[CP17] K. Sivasubramanian, and M. Pramanik, “High frame rate photoacoustic imaging using clinical ultrasound system,” Proc. SPIE 9708, 97084Q (2016). [Link] [PDF]

[CP16] P. K. Upputuri, S. Huang, M. Wang, and M. Pramanik, “A dual function theranostic agent for near-infrared photoacoustic imaging and photothermal therapy,” Proc. SPIE 9723, 97230Y (2016). [Link] [PDF]

[CP15] M. Moothanchery, V. Bavigadda, P. K. Upputuri, M. Pramanik, V. Toal, and I. Naydenova, “Quantitative measurement of displacement in photopolymer layers during holographic recording using phase shifting electronic speckle pattern interferometry,” Proc. SPIE 9718, 97181C (2016). [Link] [PDF] 

[CP14] M. Pramanik, “Deep imaging with low-cost photoacoustic tomography system with pulsed diode laser,” Proc. SPIE 9524, 95240U (2015). [Link] [PDF]

[CP13] Verawaty, and M. Pramanik, “K-wave simulation to understand the photoacoustic signal characteristics from various shapes of nanoparticles,” Proc. SPIE 9524, 952411 (2015). [Link] [PDF]

[CP12] P. K. Upputuri, K. Sivasubramanian, and M. Pramanik, “High speed photoacoustic tomography system with low cost portable pulsed diode laser,” Proc. SPIE 9524, 95240G (2015). [Link] [PDF]

[CP11] P. K. Upputuri, M. Pramanik, K. M. Nandigana, and M. P. Kothiyal, “White light single-shot interferometry with colour CCD camera for optical inspection of microsystems,” Proc. SPIE 9524, 95240C (2015). [Link] [PDF]

[CP10] P. K. Upputuri, M. Pramanik, M. P. Kothiyal, and K. M. Nandigana, “Two wavelength microscopic speckle interferometry using colour CCD camera,” Proc. SPIE 9302, 93023K (2014). [Link] [PDF]

[CP9] P. K. Upputuri, M. Pramanik, M. P. Kothiyal, and K. M. Nandigana, “White light interferometer with color CCD for 3D-surface profiling of microsystems,” Proc. SPIE 9302, 93023R (2014). [Link] [PDF]

[CP8] N. A. Rejesh and M. Pramanik, “Photoacoustic and thermoacoustic signal characteristics study,” Proc. SPIE 8800, 88000G (2013). [Link] [PDF] 

[CP7] M. Pramanik, M. Gupta, and K. B. Krishnan, “Enhancing Reproducibility of Ultrasonic Measurements by New Users,” Proc. SPIE 8673, 86730Q (2013). [Link] [PDF]

[CP6] M. Pramanik, T. Erpelding, L. Jankovic, and L. H. V. Wang, “Tissue temperature monitoring using thermoacoustic and photoacoustic techniques,” Proc. SPIE 7564, 75641Y (2010). [Link] [PDF] 

[CP5] T. N. Erpelding, C. H. Kim, M. Pramanik, Z. Guo, J. Dean, L. Jankovic, K. Maslov, and L. H. V. Wang, “In vivo photoacoustic and ultrasonic mapping of rat sentinel lymph nodes with a modified commercial ultrasound imaging system,” Proc. SPIE 7564, 756418 (2010). [Link] [PDF]

[CP4] X. Cai, C. H. Kim, M. Pramanik, and L. H. V. Wang, “Photoacoustic tomography of foreign bodies in soft biological tissue,” Proc. SPIE 7564, 75643H (2010). [Link] [PDF]

[CP3] M. Pramanik, K. H. Song, M. Swierczewska, D. Green, B. Sitharaman, and L. H. V. Wang, “In vivo photoacoustic (PA) mapping of sentinel lymph nodes (SLNs) using carbon nanotubes (CNTs) as a contrast agent,” Proc. SPIE 7177, 71771N (2009). [Link] [PDF]

[CP2] M. Pramanik, G. Ku, C. H. Li, M. Swierczewska, D. Green, B. Sitharaman, and L. H. V. Wang, “Novel breast cancer detection system combining both thermoacoustic (TA) and photoacoustic (PA) tomography using carbon nanotubes (CNT) as a dual contrast agent,” Proc. SPIE 7177, 71772G (2009). [Link] [PDF]

[CP1] C. H. Li, G. Ku, M. Pramanik, and L. H. V. Wang, “RF diffraction effect in RF-induced thermoacoustic tomography: calibration and distortion,” Proc. SPIE 6856, 685612 (2008). [Link] [PDF]

Conference Presentations:

[C87] V. Periyasamy, A. Das, and M. Pramanik, “Dual illumination handheld photoacoustic imaging system with light emitting diode and pulsed laser diode,” SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, CA, January 2025 (Poster).

[C86] A. Das, and M. Pramanik, “Pulsed LED Array Based Photoacoustic Computed Tomography System: A cost-effective approach to advance biomedical imaging,” SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, CA, January 2025 (Poster).

[C85] K. Gisi, and M. Pramanik, “Photoacoustic Imaging for Efficient Dataset Automation in Deep Learning Aided Ultrasound-Guided Needle Tracking,” SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, CA, January 2025 (Poster).

[C84] V. Periyasamy, A. Das, and M. Pramanik, “Wireless ultra-compact handheld dual mode ultrasound and photoacoustic imaging,” SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, CA, January 2025 (Poster).

[C83] X. Hui, P. Rajendran, T. Ling, and M. Pramanik, “PACT Image Reconstruction: From Sinograms to Images Using Neural Networks,” SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, CA, January 2025 (Poster).

[C82] V. Periyasamy, K. Gisi, and M. Pramanik, “Photoacoustic imaging of dental samples,” Optica Biophotonics Congress: Biomedical Optics, Florida, April 2024 (Oral Presentation).

[C81] X. Hui, P. Rajendran, T. Ling, and M. Pramanik, Advancing ultrasound-guided needle visibility: deep learning empowered by photoacoustic imaging,” SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, CA, January 2024 (Poster).

[C80] P. Rajendran, and M. Pramanik, “Deep learning based high frame rate photoacoustic tomography,” SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, CA, January 2023 (Poster).

[C79] X. Hui, P. Rajendran, M. A. I. Zulkifli, and M. Pramanik, “Photoacoustic image reconstruction on a mobile platform,” SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, CA, January 2023 (Poster).

[C78] R. Haindl, V. Bellemo, P. Rajendran, B. Tan, M. Liu, R. Leitgeb, W. Drexler, L. Schmetterer, and M. Pramanik, “Additive manufacturing for multimodal photoacoustic ophthalmoscopy,” SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, CA, January 2023 (Oral Presentation).

[C77] S. Hakakzadeh, Z. Kavehvash, and M. Pramanik, Artifact removal factor for circular-view photoacoustic tomography,” IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS), Venice, Italy, October 2022 (Oral Presentation).

[C76] P. Rajendran, and M. Pramanik, “High frame rate multi-transducer photoacoustic tomography with deep learning,” Optica Biophotonics Congress: Biomedical Optics, Florida, April 2022 (Poster).

[C75] P. Rajendran, and M. Pramanik, “Multi-transducer photoacoustic tomography imaging without radius calibration using deep learning,” SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, CA, January 2022 (Poster).

[C74] M. Pramanik, “Intracranial hypotension (IH) detection with novel photoacoustic imaging,” Indian Academy of Neurosciences (IAN) Society Meeting, December 2021 (Invited Presentation).

[C73] M. Pramanik, “Deep learning assisted photoacoustic imaging,” 12th International Conference on Advanced Materials and Devices, December 2021 (Invited Presentation).

[C72] P. Rajendran, and M. Pramanik, “Multi-transducer photoacoustic tomography without radius calibration using deep learning,” International Conference on Biomedical and Health Informatics, November 2021 (Poster).

[C71] M. Pramanik, “Deep learning assisted compact desktop photoacoustic tomography,” International Conference on Biomedical and Health Informatics, November 2021 (Invited Presentation).

[C70] P. Rajendran, and M. Pramanik, “Application of Deep learning to improve tangential resolution in photoacoustic tomography,” SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, CA, February 2021 (Poster).

[C69] A. Sharma, and M. Pramanik, “Improving out-of-focus resolution in acoustic resolution photoacoustic microscopy using deep learning,” SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, CA, February 2021 (Poster).

[C68] D. Das, and M. Pramanik, “A study of laser irradiation-aided sonothrombolysis using gold nanoparticles-coated microbubbles via combined ultrasound (US) and photoacoustic (PA) imaging,” SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, CA, February 2021 (Poster).

[C67] D. Das, L. S. Wei, and M. Pramanik, “A study of the effect of microbubbles with different gas cores and saline solution on microbubbles-assisted sonothrombolysis via combined ultrasound and photoacoustic imaging,” SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, CA, February 2021 (Poster).

[C66] M. Pramanik, “Advancements in Photoacoustic Imaging Brighten the Next Decade,” Photonics Spectra Conference, January 2021 (Invited Presentation).

[C65] A. Sharma, V. Periyasamy, and M. Pramanik, “Monte Carlo simulations and photoacoustic experiments to compare imaging depth at 532 nm, 800 nm, and 1064 nm,” SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, CA, February 2020 (Poster).

[C64] A. Sharma, N. Ishak, T. Swee-Hin, C. Cheung, and M. Pramanik, “Photoacoustic imaging of live chicken embryo at multiple developmental stages,” SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, CA, February 2020 (Poster).

[C63] P. Rajendran, S. Sahu, R. A. Dienzo, and M. Pramanik, “In vivo evaluation of cerebral venous sinus morphology using pulsed-laser-diode-based desktop photoacoustic tomography system,” SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, CA, February 2020 (Poster).

[C62] P. K. Upputuri, P. Rajendran, and M. Pramanik, “Simultaneous profiling of optically smooth and rough surfaces using dual-wavelength interferometry,” SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, CA, February 2020 (Poster).

[C61] P. K. Upputuri, P. Rajendran, and M. Pramanik, “RGB speckle pattern interferometry for surface metrology,” SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, CA, February 2020 (Poster).

[C60] A. Sharma, N. Ishak, T. Swee-Hin, and M. Pramanik, “Photoacoustic tomography of chicken embryo cultured in bioengineered eggshell,” KI-NTU-Oral Health ACP Joint Research Conference, Singapore, November 2019 (Poster).

[C59] P. Warbal, R. Prakash, M. Pramanik, and R. K. Saha, “Wiener filtering for deblurring of reconstructed images in photoacoustic tomography with finite size apodized transducers,” IEEE TENCON, Kochi, Kerala, India, October 2019 (Oral Presentation).

[C58] P. Warbal, M. Pramanik, and R. K. Saha, “A robust modified delay-and-sum algorithm for photoacoustic tomography imaging with apodized sensors,” European Conferences on Biomedical Optics (ECBO), Munich, Germany, June 2019 (Poster).

[C57] K. Sivasubramanian, D. Das, and M. Pramanik, “High frame rate photoacoustic imaging of blood clots,” SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, CA, February 2019 (Poster).

[C56] S. K. Kalva, P. K. Upputuri, R. A. Dienzo, and M. Pramanik, “Pulsed laser diode based photoacoustic tomography system using multiple acoustic reflector based single element ultrasound transducers,” SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, CA, February 2019 (Poster).

[C55] P. K. Upputuri, and M. Pramanik, “Multiple wavelength fringe analysis for surface profile measurements,” SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, CA, February 2019 (Poster).

[C54] P. K. Upputuri, and M. Pramanik, “Photoacoustic monitoring of tissue temperature at high temporal resolution,” SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, CA, February 2019 (Poster).

[C53] P. K. Upputuri, and M. Pramanik, “Applications of higher-order phase shifting algorithms for multiple-wavelength metrology,” SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, CA, February 2019 (Poster).

[C52] M. Mozaffarzadeh, V. Periyasamy, P. K. Upputuri, M. Pramanik, and B. Makkiabadi, “An efficient image formation algorithm for real-time linear-array photoacoustic tomography,” SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, CA, February 2019 (Poster).

[C51] M. H. H. Varnosfaderani, M. Mozaffarzadeh, P. K. Upputuri, and M. Pramanik, “Genetic algorithm for feedback-based wavefront shaping in optical imaging,” SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, CA, February 2019 (Poster).

[C50] D. Das, K. K. A. Villanueva, and M. Pramanik, “A study of the effect of PEG -40 surfactant concentration on the stability of microbubbles post-injection through various needle sizes and its ultrasound imaging performance,” SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, CA, February 2019 (Poster).

[C49] D. Das, and M. Pramanik, “A study of blood clots using photoacoustic imaging during sonothrombolysis,” SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, CA, February 2019 (Poster).

[C48] S. K. Kalva, P. K. Upputuri, and M. Pramanik, “Second generation pulsed laser diode based compact photoacoustic tomography system,” 40th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, July 2018 (Invited Presentation).

[C47] P. K. Upputuri, and M. Pramanik, “Phase shifting white light interferometry using colour CCD for optical metrology and bio-imaging applications,” SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, CA, January 2018 (Poster).

[C46] S. K. Kalva, Z. Z. Hui, and M. Pramanik, “Multiple single-element transducer photoacoustic computed tomography system,” SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, CA, January 2018 (Poster).

[C45] M. Moothanchery, A. Sharma, V. Periyasamy, and M. Pramanik, “High resolution and deep tissue imaging using a near infrared acoustic resolution photoacoustic microscopy,” SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, CA, January 2018 (Poster).

[C44] B. Park, H. Lee, P. K. Upputuri, M. Pramanik, D. Kim, and C. Kim, “Super-resolution photoacoustic microscopy using a localized near-field of a plasmonic nanoaperture: A three-dimensional simulation study,” SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, CA, January 2018 (Poster).

[C43] K. Sivasubramanian, V. Periyasamy, D. R. Austria, and M. Pramanik, “Photoacoustic cystography using handheld dual modal clinical ultrasound photoacoustic imaging system,” SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, CA, January 2018 (Poster).

[C42] P. K. Upputuri, Y. Jiang, K. Pu, and M. Pramanik, “Photoacoustic imaging at 1064 nm wavelength with exogenous contrast agents,” SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, CA, January 2018 (Poster).

[C41] D. Das, K. Sivasubramanian, C. Yang, and M. Pramanik, “Microfluidics-based monodisperse microbubbles in methylene blue solution for photoacoustic and ultrasound Imaging,” SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, CA, January 2018 (Poster).

[C40] A. Sharma, S. K. Kalva, and M. Pramanik, “Comparison of continuous and stop-and-go scanning techniques in photoacoustic tomography,” SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, CA, January 2018 (Poster).

[C39] M. Moothanchery, R. Z. Seeni, C. Xu, and M. Pramanik, “Photoacoustic microscopy imaging for microneedle drug delivery,” SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, CA, January 2018 (Poster).

[C38] M. Moothanchery, T. Chuangsuwanich, A. T. C. Yan, L. Schmetterer, M. J. A. Girard, and M. Pramanik, “Microcapillary imaging of lamina cribrosa in porcine eyes using photoacoustic microscopy,” SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, CA, January 2018 (Poster).

[C37] V. Periyasamy, H. B. Jaafar, and M. Pramanik, “Raman Monte Carlo Simulation for light propagation for tissue with embedded objects,” SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, CA, January 2018 (Oral Presentation).

[C36] V. Periyasamy, M. Rangaraj, and M. Pramanik, “Photoacoustic imaging of teeth for dentine imaging and enamel characterization,” SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, CA, January 2018 (Oral Presentation).

[C35] P. K. Upputuri, M. Pramanik, “Dynamic contrast-enhanced photoacoustic tomography system for in vivo small animal imaging,” 5th Asia-Korea Conference on Science and Technology, Singapore, November 2017 (Invited Presentation).

[C34] M. Pramanik, "Pre-clinical and clinical photoacoustic imaging systems and their biological applications," The 5th Photonics Global Conference, Singapore, August 2017 (Invited Presentation).

[C33] M. Pramanik, "Pre-clinical and clinical photoacoustic imaging systems," International conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Jeju Island, Korea, July 2017 (Invited Presentation).

[C32] S. K. Kalva, and M. Pramanik, “Modified delay-and-sum reconstruction algorithm to improve tangential resolution in photoacoustic tomography,” SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, CA, February 2017 (Poster).

[C31] S. K. Kalva, and M. Pramanik, “Compact photoacoustic tomography system,” SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, CA, February 2017 (Poster).

[C30] P. K. Upputuri, S. K. Kalva, M. Moothanchery, and M. Pramanik, “Pulsed laser diode photoacoustic tomography (PLD-PAT) system for fast in vivo imaging of small animal brain,” SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, CA, February 2017 (Poster).

[C29] P. K. Upputuri, M. Krisnan, M. Moothanchery, and M. Pramanik, “Photonic nanojet engineering to achieve super-resolution in photo-acoustic microscopy – a simulation study,” SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, CA, February 2017 (Poster).

[C28] M. Moothanchery, and M. Pramanik, “Combined optical and acoustic resolution photoacoustic microscopy,” SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, CA, February 2017 (Poster).

[C27] K. Sivasubramanian, V. Periyasamy, K. K. Wen, and M. Pramanik, “Optimising probe holder design for sentinel lymph node imaging using clinical photoacoustic system with Monte Carlo simulation,” SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, CA, February 2017 (Poster).

[C26] M. Moothanchery, M. Pramanik, V. Toal, and I. Naydenova, “Effect of monomer diffusion on photoinduced shrinkage in photopolymer layers determined by Electronic speckle pattern interferometry,” SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, CA, February 2017 (Poster).

[C25] V. Bavigadda, M. Moothanchery, M. Pramanik, E. Mihaylova, and V. Toal, “Compact holographic optical element based electronic speckle pattern interferometer for rotation and vibration measurements,” SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, CA, February 2017 (Poster).

[C24] M. Pramanik, “Pre-clinical and clinical Photoacoustic Imaging with contrast agents,” The 10th IEEE International Conference on Nano/Molecular Medicine and Engineering, Macau, China, October 2016 (Invited Presentation).

[C23] M. Mathiyazhakan, P. K. Upputuri, K. Sivasubramanian, A. Dhayani, P. Vemula, M. Pramanik, and C. Xu, “Liposomes containing gold nanostars for photoacoustic imaging and controlled drug release,” Sixth International Conference on Metals in Genetics, Chemical Biology and Therapeutics (ICMG-2016), Bangalore, India, February 2016 (Poster).

[C22] P. K. Upputuri, and M. Pramanik, “High-speed pre-clinical brain imaging using pulsed laser diode based photoacoustic tomography (PLD-PAT) system,” SPIE Photonic West, San Francisco, CA, February 2016 (Poster).

[C21] K. Sivasubramanian, and M. Pramanik, “High frame rate photoacoustic imaging using clinical ultrasound system,” SPIE Photonic West, San Francisco, CA, February 2016 (Poster).

[C20] P. K. Upputuri, S. Huang, M. Wang, and M. Pramanik, “A dual function theranostic agent for near-infrared photoacoustic imaging and photothermal therapy,” SPIE Photonic West, San Francisco, February 2016 (Poster).

[C19] M. Moothanchery, V. Bavigadda, P. K. Upputuri, M. Pramanik, V. Toal, and I. Naydenova, “Quantitative measurement of displacement in photopolymer layers during holographic recording using phase shifting electronic speckle pattern interferometry,” SPIE Photonic West, San Francisco, February 2016 (Poster).

[C18] M. S. Kwak, E. R. Balmayor, M. Chhaya, D. Hutmacher, S. Gottschalk, X. L. D. Ben, D. Razansky, D. Muller, M. Pramanik, H. G. Machens, and J. T. Schantz, “Herstellung von bioartifiziellen Lymphknoten mit Hilfe von Polycaprolacton scaffolds,” Lymphologie Kongress, German Society of Lymphology, Germany, October 2015 (Oral Presentation).

[C17] M. S. Kwak, E. R. Balmayor, M. Chhaya, D. Hutmacher, S. Gottschalk, X. L. D. Ben, D. Razansky, D. Muller, M. Pramanik, H. G. Machens, and J. T. Schantz, “Engineering bioartificial lymph nodes using polycaprolactone scaffolds,” TERMIS World Congress, Boston, USA, September 2015 (Poster).

[C16] M. Pramanik, “Deep imaging with low-cost photoacoustic tomography system with pulsed diode laser,” International Conference on Optics and Photonic Engineering (icOPEN), Singapore, April 2015 (Invited Presentation).

[C15] Verawaty, and M. Pramanik, “K-wave simulation to understand the photoacoustic signal characteristics from various shapes of nanoparticles,” International Conference on Optics and Photonic Engineering (icOPEN), Singapore, April 2015 (Poster).

[C14] P. K. Upputuri, K. Sivasubramanian, and M. Pramanik, “High speed photoacoustic tomography system with low cost portable pulsed diode laser,” International Conference on Optics and Photonic Engineering (icOPEN), Singapore, April 2015 (Poster).

[C13] P. K. Upputuri, M. Pramanik, K. M. Nandigana, and M. P. Kothiyal, “White light single-shot interferometry with colour CCD camera for optical inspection of microsystems,” International Conference on Optics and Photonic Engineering (icOPEN), Singapore, April 2015 (Poster).

[C12] P. K. Upputuri, M. Pramanik, M. P. Kothiyal, and K. M. Nandigana, “Two wavelength microscopic speckle interferometry using colour CCD camera,” International Conference on Experimental Mechanics (ICEM), Singapore, November 2014 (Poster).

[C11] P. K. Upputuri, M. Pramanik, M. P. Kothiyal, and K. M. Nandigana, “White light interferometer with color CCD for 3D-surface profiling of microsystems,” International Conference on Experimental Mechanics (ICEM), Singapore, November 2014 (Poster).

[C10] N. A. Rejesh and M. Pramanik, “Photoacoustic and thermoacoustic signal characteristics study,” European Conferences on Biomedical Optics (ECBO), Munich, Germany, May 2013 (Poster).

[C9] M. Pramanik, M. Gupta, and K. B. Krishnan, “Enhancing Reproducibility of Ultrasonic Measurements by New Users,” SPIE Medical Imaging, Florida, 2013 (Oral Presentation).

[C8] D. Pan and M. Pramanik, “Photoacoustic Tomography Differentiates Early Vulnerable Neoangiogenesis from Mature Vasculature In Vivo,” American College of Cardiology, 60th Annual Scientific Session, Lousiana, New Orleans, 2011 (Poster).

[C7] D. Pan, M. Pramanik, A. Senpan, M. J. Scott, P. J. Gaffney, S. A. Wickline, and G. M. Lanza, “Targeted gold nanobeacons and photoacoustic imaging of angiogenesis may augment ultrasound diagnosis and management of atherosclerosis,” 241st ACS National Meeting & Exposition, Anaheim, California, 2011 (Oral Presentation).

[C6] M. Pramanik, T. Erpelding, L. Jankovic, and L. H. V. Wang, “Tissue temperature monitoring using thermoacoustic and photoacoustic techniques,” SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, CA, 2010 (Oral Presentation).

[C5] D. Pan, M. Pramanik, A. Senpan, M. Scott, P. J. Gaffney, S. A. Wickline, L. H. V. Wang, and G. M. Lanza, “Photoacoustic tomography offers simultaneous vasa vasorum and ruptured plaque assessments of atherosclerotic plaque with targeted gold nano beacons,” SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, CA, 2010 (Oral Presentation).

[C4] M. Pramanik, B. Sitharaman, D. Pan, G. Lanza, and L. H. V. Wang, “Use of nanomaterials in thermoacoustic and photoacoustic imaging,” Nanotech Symposium, St. Louis, MO, 2010 (Poster).

[C3] M. Pramanik, K. H. Song, M. Swierczewska, D. Green, B. Sitharaman, and L. H. V. Wang, “In vivo photoacoustic (PA) mapping of sentinel lymph nodes (SLNs) using carbon nanotubes (CNTs) as a contrast agent,” SPIE Photonics West, San Jose, CA, 2009 (Oral Presentation).

[C2] M. Pramanik, G. Ku, C. H. Li, M. Swierczewska, D. Green, B. Sitharaman, and L. H. V. Wang, “Novel breast cancer detection system combining both thermoacoustic (TA) and photoacoustic (PA) tomography using carbon nanotubes (CNT) as a dual contrast agent,” SPIE Photonics West, San Jose, CA, 2009 (Poster Presentation).

[C1] M. Pramanik, G. Ku, C. H. Li, M. Swierczewska, D. Green, B. Sitharaman, and L. H. V. Wang, “Novel breast cancer detection system combining both thermoacoustic (TA) and photoacoustic (PA) tomography,” BMES annual fall meeting, St. Louis, MO, 2008 (Oral Presentation).


[A6] R. Haindl, V. Ballemo, P. Rajendran, B. Tan, M. Liu, Q. Zhou, R. A. Leitgeb, W. Drexler, L. Schmetterer, and M. Pramanik, “Multimodal imaging of the mouse eye using visible light photoacoustic ophthalmoscopy and near-infrared-II optical coherence tomography,” arXiv:2306.03870 (2023). [Link] [PDF]

[A5] C. Yang, W. Zhang, X. Pang, F. Xiao, S. K. Kalva, Y. Zhang, M. Pramanik, L. Tian, G. Liu, and M. Wang, “Polyester-tethered near-infrared fluorophores confined in colloidal nanoparticles: tunable excitonic coupling and biomedical applications,” ChemRxiv (2022). [Link] [PDF]

[A4] N. Avasthi, R. Pardasani, S. K. Kalva, M. Pramanik, and P. K. Yalavarthy, “Sinogram super-resolution and denoising convolutional neural network (SRCN) for limited data photoacoustic tomography,” arXiv:2001.06434 (2020). [Link] [PDF]

[A3] N. A. Rejesh, S. K. Kalva, M. Pramanik, and M. Arigovindan, “Photo-acoustic tomographic image reconstruction from reduced data using physically inspired regularization,” arXiv:1908.02313 (2020). [Link] [PDF]

[A2] M. Mozaffarzadeh, A. Mahloojifar, V. Periyasamy, M. Pramanik, and M. Orooji, “Eigenspace-based minimum variance combined with delay multiply and sum beamformer: application to linear-array photoacoustic imaging,” arXiv:1807.07405 (2018). [Link] [PDF]

[A1] M. Mozaffarzadeh, V. Periyasamy, M. Pramanik, and B. Makkiabadi, “An efficient nonlinear beamformer based on Pth root of detected signals for linear-array photoacoustic tomography: application to sentinel lymph node imaging,” arXiv:1805.09913 (2018). [Link] [PDF]


[T6] P. Rajendran, Advancing photoacoustic tomography using deep learning,” School of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore (2022). [PDF]

[T5] A. Sharma, “Enhancement of photoacoustic imaging system for biomedical applications,” School of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering, Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore (2021). [PDF]

[T4] N. A. Rejesh, “Novel regularized image reconstruction methods for sparse photoacoustic tomography,” Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore, India (2021). [PDF]

[T3] S. K. Kalva, “Developing a portable, high-speed, low-cost desktop photoacoustic tomography imaging system,” School of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering, Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore (2019). [PDF]

[T2] K. Sivasubramanian, “Photoacoustic clinical imaging system and its applications,” School of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering, Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore (2017). [PDF]

[T1] M. Pramanik, “Dual-modality thermoacoustic and photoacoustic imaging,” Department of Biomedical Engineering, Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri, USA (2010). [PDF]


[P6] Technology Disclosure submitted Oct 31, 2024, ISURF 05796 “Universal Trigger Adapter (UTA) Circuit for Pulsed Light Sources in Photoacoustic Imaging Systems,” M. Pramanik, A. Das, and V. Periyasamy. 

[P5] Technology Disclosure submitted May 02, 2024, ISURF 05726, “Nanosecond pulsed current source for driving light emitting diodes in photoacoustic imaging system,” M. Pramanik, and A. Das.

[P4] US Provisional Patent Application No 63/605,858, December 04, 2023, Photoacoustic aided deep learning tool for ultrasound-guided needle tracking,” M. Pramanik, X. Hui, P. Rajendran, and T. Ling.

[P3] US Patent Application No 15/561,018, September 22, 2017, “Photo-acoustic imaging apparatus and method of operation,” M. Pramanik, and P. K. Upputuri.

[P2] Patent Cooperation Treaty Application No PCT/SG2016/050130, March 22, 2016, “Photo-acoustic imaging apparatus and method of operation,” M. Pramanik, and P. K. Upputuri.

[P1] Indian Patent No 198573, July 19, 2002, “Optical device for measuring angular deviation/disposition of an object,” M. K. Ghosh, M. Pramanik, and A. B. Chattopadhyay.