News and Updates

- January 2025: Dr. Pramanik, Dr. Das, and Vijitha attended and presented five posters at the SPIE Photonic West, San Francisco, California, USA.

- January 2025: Our work on nanoseconds pulsed current source for light emitting diode (LED) driven photoacoustic signal acquisition got accepted for publication in the Journal of physics: Photonics.

- January 2025: Dr. Pramanik has become a Fellow of SPIE. 

- December 2024: Our work on improving image quality with randomized detection points for photoacoustic tomography got accepted for publication in the Journal of physics: Photonics.

- December 2024: Kat has successfully completed her Masters degree from ECpE, Iowa State University. Congratulations!

- August 2024: Our work on ex vivo imaging of human teeth with various photoacoustic imaging systems got accepted for publication in Biomedical Optics Express.

- May 2024: Vijitha has successfully passed the qualifier. Congratulations!

- May 2024: Vijitha has successfully completed her Masters degree from ECpE, Iowa State University. Congratulations!

- April 2024: Dr. Pramanik, Vijitha Periyasamy attended and presented at the OPTICA Biophotonics Congress: Biomedical Optics, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA.

- January 2024: Dr. Pramanik, Xie Hui (NTU) attended and presented one poster at the SPIE Photonic West, San Francisco, California, USA.

- November 2023: Our work on ultrasound-guided needle tracking with photoacoustic ground truth got accepted for publication in Photoacoustics.

- October 2023: Our work on multi-modal photoacoustic microscopy and NIR-II optical coherence tomography for mouse eye imaging got accepted for publication in APL Photonics.

- September 2023: Katherine received Takeno Scholarship from the department to continue her phd study in our lab. Welcome to BILab again!

- July 2023: Dr. Avishek Das has joined BILab as a post-doctoral researcher. Welcome to BILab!

- May 2023: Katherine Gisi has joined BILab as a Master student. Welcome to BILab!

- May 2023: Our work on physics guided neural network for tissue optical properties estimation got accepted for publication in Biomedical Optics Express.

- April 2023: Our work on android mobile based photoacoustic image reconstruction got accepted for publication in the Journal of Biomedical Optics.

- April 2023: Dr. Pramanik is appointed as the Northrop Grumman Associate Professor at Iowa State University. 

- April 2023: Dr. Pramanik is also appointed as a Faculty of Biomedical Engineering (BME) at Iowa State University. 

- April 2023: Collaborative work with Prof. Yuanjin's group for the improvement of ARPAM imaging with deep CNN prior got accepted for publication in Photoacoustics. 

- March 2023: Book on Deep learning aided circular photoacoustic tomography got accepted for publication as a spotlight series with SPIE Press.

- January 2023: Dr. Pramanik, Dr. Rajendran, and Dr. Haindl attended and presented two posters and one talk at the SPIE Photonic West, San Francisco, California, USA.

- January 2023: Dr. Rajendran will be joining Stanford University, USA. All the best for his future success.

- January 2023: Dr. Pramanik joined as the Editorial Board Member of Biomedical Optics Express.

- January 2023: Vijitha Periyasamy has joined BILab as as a PhD student. Welcome to BILab!

- January 2023: BILab is relocated to Iowa State University (ISU), Ames, Iowa, USA.

 - January 2023: Dr. Pramanik joined as Tenured Associate Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECpE) at Iowa State University (ISU), Ames, Iowa, USA.

- September 2022: Praveen has successfully defended his Phd thesis. Congratulations Dr. Praveenbalaji Rajendran!

- Aug 2022: Our School is merged with Chemistry and got a new identity as School of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology (CCEB), it will be part of both College of Engineering and College of Science! A unique interdisciplinary school with both science and engineering faculties. Offering degrees in Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, and in Biomedical Engineering.

- July 2022: Our review article on photoacoustic contrast agent is one of the most cited articles in the journal WIREs Nanomedicine and Nanobiotechnology in the year 2021.

- July 2022: Our work on resolution improvement for photoacoustic microscopy using deep learning got accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions of Medical Imaging.

- July 2022: Our review on molecular photoacoustic imaging with contrast agent got accepted for publication in Journal of Biomedical Optics.

- June 2022: Manuscript on deep learning aided improvement of imaging speed in single-element ultrasound transducer photoacoustic tomography system got accepted for publication in Journal of Biomedical Optics.

- May 2022: Manuscript on multi-angle data acquisition to compensate transducer finite size in photoacoustic tomography system got accepted for publication in the journal Photoacoustics.

-April 2022: Praveen presented a poster at the Biophotonics Congress: Biomedical Optics, Florida, USA.

- January 2022: A/P Pramanik attended and presented one poster at the SPIE Photonic West, San Francisco, California, USA.

- January 2022: Congratulations Praveen for winning the Bronze Prize in SCBE PhD Symposium!

- January 2022: Malik has successfully passed his Qualifying Exam. Congratulations! 

- January 2022: Xie Hui (Grace) has joined BILab as as a PhD student. Welcome to BILab! 

- December 2021: Dr. Deepika Bharatula has joined BILab as Research Fellow. Welcome to BILab! 

- November 2021: Review article on deep learning aided photoacoustic imaging got accepted for publication in Biomedical Engineering Letters.

- November 2021: Dr. Arunima will be joining Johns Hopkins University, USA. All the best for her future success. 

- November 2021: Dr. Richard Haindl has joined BILab as Senior Research Fellow. Welcome to BILab! 

- October 2021: Malik has joined BILab as as a PhD student. Welcome to BILab! 

- August 2021: Funding received from the Ministry of Education Singapore Academic Research Fund Tier-1 on the development of deep learning algorithm for photoacoustic imaging improvement.

- August 2021: Manuscript on deep learning to replace radius calibration for multi-transducer PAT got accepted for publication in Optics Letters.

- July 2021: Dr. Xiaoqian Su (Summer) has joined BILab as Research Fellow. Welcome to BILab! 

- June 2021: Praveen has successfully passed his Qualifying Exam. Congratulations! 

- May 2021: Dr. Umesh will be leaving our lab after a year with us. He will be joining another lab at NTU. All the best for his future success.

- April 2021: Dr. Ipshita Gupta will be leaving our lab after a year with us. She will be joining Dyson, Singapore. All the best for her future success.

- April 2021: Dr. Dhiman will be leaving our lab after 4 years with us. He will be joining a startup company Allozymes in Singapore. All the best for his future success.

- April 2021: Biomedical Optics Express has delivered must-read research results to the biomedical optics community since its first issue published in August 2010. In recognition of the Journal's 10th Anniversary, they have curated 100 top-cited research articles from ten important topic categories. Happy to share that two of our original research papers are listed under the photoacoustic imaging category. [Link]

- March 2021: Dhiman, Praveen, and Arunima presented four posters at the SPIE Photonic West, virtual conference.

- January 2021: Arunima has successfully defended her Phd thesis. Congratulations Dr. Arunima Sharma!

- December 2020: Our review paper summarizing the progress of photoacoustic imaging in the last decade got accepted for publication in Physics in Medicine and Biology.

- November 2020: Manuscript on high framerate imaging of circulating blood clot using dual modal ultrasound and photoacoustic imaging got accepted for publication in Journal of Biophotonics. 

- November 2020: Manuscript on deep learning to improve the tangential resolution in PAT got accepted for publication in Biomedical Optics Express. 

- November 2020: Manuscript on convolution neural network for resolution enhancement in ARPAM got accepted for publication in Biomedical Optics Express.

- July 2020: Dr. Umesh and Dr. Ipshita joined BILab as Research Fellow. Welcome to BILab! 

- March 2020: A/P Manojit Pramanik joined as the Editorial Board Members of Photoacoustics.

- February 2020: A/P Manojit Pramanik joined as the Editorial Board Members of the Journal of Biomedical Optics.

- February 2020: Congratulations Arunima for winning the 3-minutes poster presentation competition during SPIE Photonic West.

- February 2020: A/P Pramanik, Praveen, and Arunima attended and presented five posters at the SPIE Photonic West, San Francisco, California, USA.

- February 2020: Manuscript on intracranial hypotension detection using photoacoustic tomography got accepted for publication in Journal of Biophotonics.

- January 2020: Review article on photoacoustic contrast agent got accepted for publication in Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Nanomedicine and Nanobiotechnology.

- January 2020: Manuscript on Real-time temperature monitoring using pulsed laser diode photoacoustic system got accepted for publication in Optics Letters.

- January 2020: Book on photoacoustic tomography using pulsed laser diodes got accepted for publication as a spotlight series with SPIE Press.

- December 2019: Manuscript on live imaging of chicken embryo developing in bioengineered eggshell using photoacoustic imaging got accepted for publication in Journal of Biophotonics.

- November 2019: Dr. Paul will be leaving our lab after 5 years with us. He will be joining Harvard Medical School, USA. All the best for his future success.

- October 2019: Dr. Sandeep will be joining ETH, Zurich, Switzerland. All the best for his future success.

- September 2019: Asst/P Pramanik has been promoted to Associate Professor with Tenure.

- August 2019: Sandeep has successfully defended his Phd thesis. Congratulations Dr. Sandeep Kumar Kalva!

- July 2019: Manuscript on PA imaging depth comparison between NIR-I and NIR-II window has been accepted for publication in Journal of Biomedical Optics.

- June 2019: Manuscript on sonothrombolysis monitoring using ultrasound + photoacoustic imaging has been accepted for publication in Journal of Biomedical Optics.

- May 2019: Welcome Samiran (NTU-India connect research internship programme) in BILab.

- March 2019: Congratulations Sandeep for winning the Silver Prize in SCBE PhD Symposium!

- March 2019: Review article on second near-infrared window photoacoustic imaging got accepted for publication in Journal of Biomedical Optics.

- February 2019: Asst/P Pramanik, Dr. Paul, Dr. Dhiman, and Sandeep attended and presented nine posters at the SPIE Photonic West, San Francisco, California, USA.

- January 2019: Funding received from the Ministry of Education Singapore Academic Research Fund Tier-1 on the development of microbubble-assisted sonothrombolysis efficiency and monitoring using photoacoustic imaging.

- January 2019: Manuscript on metabolizable semiconducting polymer nanoparticle for photoacoustic imaging in the second near-infrared window has been accepted for publication in Advanced Materials.

- January 2019: Manuscript on impact of sensor apodization on the tangential resolution in PAT been accepted for publication in JOSA A.

- January 2019: Praveenbalaji Rajendran has joined BILab as a PhD student. Welcome to BILab!  

 - January 2019: Welcome Srishti (NTU-India connect research internship programme) in BILab.

- November 2018: Manuscript on 1064 nm AR-PAM got accepted for publication in Journal of Biophotonics.

- November 2018: Manuscript on second generation desktop PLD-PAT got accepted for publication in Optics Letters.

- July 2018: Congratulations Kathyayini for winning the Best Thesis Award from School of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering!

- July 2018: Vijitha will be leaving our lab after 3 years with us. She will be joining TUM, Munich, Germany. All the best for her future success.

- June 2018: Arunima has successfully passed her Qualifying Exam. Congratulations! 

- May 2018: Manuscript on continuous versus stop-and-go scan for circular photoacoustic tomography got accepted for publication in IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics.

- May 2018: Manuscript on photoacoustic imaging in the second infra-red window using semiconductor polymer nanoparticles got accepted for publication in Journal of Biomedical Optics.

- May 2018: Manuscript on lamina cribrosa microcapillary imaging using photoacoustic microscopy got accepted for publication in Applied Optics.

- April 2018: Manuscript on on-chip generation of microbubble for photoacoustic and ultrasound imaging got accepted for publication in Scientific Reports.

- Dr. Kathy will be joining Stanford University, USA. All the best for her future success.

- March 2018: Kathy has successfully defended her Phd thesis. Congratulations Dr. Kathyayini Sivasubramanian!

- March 2018: Manuscript on calibration of multi-transducer photoacoustic tomography system got accepted for publication in JOSA A.

- February 2018: Review article on pulsed laser diode based photoacoustic imaging systems got accepted for publication in the Biomedical Engineering Letters.

- January 2018: Asst/P Pramanik, Dr. Paul, Arunima, Vijitha, and Kathyayini attended and presented nine posters and two talks at the SPIE Photonic West BIOS, San Francisco, California, USA.

- January 2018: Manuscript on hand-held clinical photoacoustic imaging system for rat bladder imaging got accepted for publication in the Journal of Biophotonics.

- November 2017: Manuscript on microneedle imaging with photoacoustic microscopy got accepted for publication in the Biomedical Optics Express.

- September 2017: Manuscript on dynamic brain imaging using pulsed laser diode photoacoustic system got accepted for publication in the Journal of Biomedical Optics.

- September 2017: Dr. Nandan Das has joined BILab as Research Fellow. Welcome to BILab!

- August 2017: Manuscript on Monte Carlo simulation for light propagation in tissue has been accepted for publication in IEEE Reviews in Biomedical Engineering.

- August 2017: Welcome Subitcha (NTU-India connect research internship programme) in BILab.

- July 2017: Sandeep has successfully passed his Qualifying Exam. Congratulations! 

- June 2017: Manuscript on semiconducting polymer nanoparticle for photoacoustic imaging in the second near-infrared window has been accepted for publication in Nano Letters.

- June 2017: Dr. Mohesh will be leaving our lab after 2 years with us. He will be joining ASTAR, Singapore. All the best for his future success.

- May 2017: Manuscript on hand-held clinical photoacoustic imaging system for sentinel lymph node imaging got accepted for publication in the Journal of Biophotonics.

- May 2017: Manuscript on microscopy-aided super-resolution optical imaging got accepted for publication in Optics Communications.

- May 2017: Welcome Yogeshwari (NTU-India connect research internship programme) in BILab.

- February 2017: Manuscript on switchable optical and acoustic resolution photoacoustic microscopy system got accepted for publication in Sensors.

- February 2017: Manuscript on compact PAT system using acoustic reflector got accepted for publication in Journal of Biomedical Optics.

- February 2017: Asst/P Pramanik, Dr. Mohesh, Dr. Paul, Sandeep, and Kathyayini attended and presented eight posters at the SPIE Photonic West BIOS, San Francisco, California, USA.

- January 2017: Dr. Dhiman Das has joined BILab as Research Fellow. Welcome to BILab!

- November 2016: Manuscript on optimization of light delivery for photoacoustic imaging with clinical ultrasound system got accepted for publication in Journal of Biomedical Optics.

- November 2016: Manuscript on light-responsive liposomal contrast agent got accepted for publication in Journal of Biomedical Optics.

- November 2016: Review article on preclinical and clinical translation of photoacoustic tomography got accepted for publication in Journal of Biomedical Optics.

- October 2016: Asst/P Pramanik attended and gave an invited talk at the 10th IEEE International conference on Nano/Molecular Medicine and Engineering, Macau, China.

- August 2016: Funding received from the National Medical Research Council (NMRC), Ministry of Health, Singapore on the development of brain imaging system with pulsed laser diode based photoacoustic tomography.

- August 2016: Funding received from the Ministry of Education Singapore Academic Research Fund Tier-1 on the development of super resolution Photoacoustic microscopy using photonic nanojet.

- August 2016: Manuscript on modified delay-and-sum reconstruction for photoacoustic tomography to improve tangential resolution got accepted for publication in Journal of Biomedical Optics.

- July 2016: Arunima Sharma has joined BILab as a PhD student. Welcome to BILab!  

- May 2016: Kathyayini has successfully passed her Qualifying Exam. Congratulations! 

- April 2016: Manuscript on photoacoustic signal simulation from nano particles using k-wave got accepted for publication in Biomedical Physics & Engineering Express.

- March 2016: Manuscript on Time domain OCT simulation for embedded objects with improved importance sampling got accepted in Applied Optics for publication.

- February 2016: Asst/P Pramanik, Dr. Mohesh, and Kathyayini attended and presented four posters at the SPIE Photonic West BIOS, San Francisco, California, USA.

- January 2016: Manuscript on dual-functional theranostic agent for photoacoustic imaging and photothermal therapy got accepted for publication in Journal of Materials Chemistry B.

- December 2015: Manuscript on high frame rate photoacousitc imaging at 7000 frames per second got accepted for publication in Biomedical Optics Express.

- November 2015: Manuscript on Pulsed Laser Diode based Optoacoustic Imaging of Biological Tissues got accepted for publication in Biomedical Physics & Engineering Express.

- September 2015: Manuscript on Pulsed Laser Diode based PAT (PLD-PAT) got accepted for publication in Biomedical Optics Express.

- July 2015: Kalva Sandeep Kumar has joined BILab as a PhD student. Welcome to BILab!   

- July 2015: Vijitha Periyasamy has joined BILab as Project Officer. Welcome to BILab!

- June 2015: Dr. Mohesh Moothanchery has joined BILab as Research Fellow. Welcome to BILab!

- March 2015: Manuscript on Raman Monte Carlo simulation got accepted for publication in Journal of Raman Spectroscopy.

- February 2015: Funding received from the Ministry of Education Singapore Academic Research Fund Tier-2 on the development of Photoacoustic Microscopy system

- October 2014: Manuscript on Super-resolution photoacoustic microscopy using photonic nanojets got accepted for publication in the Journal of Biomedical Optics.

- August 2014: Kathyayini S. has joined BILab as a PhD student. Welcome to BILab!    

- July 2014: Funding received from the Ministry of Education Singapore Academic Research Fund Tier-1 on the development of Clinical Photoacoustic imaging system

- April 2014: Dr. Paul Kumar Upputuri has joined BILab as Research Fellow. Welcome to BILab!

- August 2014: Kathyayini S. has joined BILab as a PhD student. Welcome to BILab!

- March 2014: Manuscript entitled “Quantitative photoacoustic tomography with Model-Resolution based Basis Pursuit Deconvolution,” accepted in Biomedical Optics Express for publication.

- January 2014: Manuscript entitled “Improving tangential resolution with a modified delay-and-sum reconstruction algorithm in photoacoustic and thermoacoustic tomography,” accepted in JOSA A for publication.

- January 2014: BILab is relocated to Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore.

 - January 2014: Dr. Pramanik joined as Assistant Professor in Bioengineering (BIE) under the School of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering (SCBE), Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore.

 - September 2013: Manuscript entitled “Monte Carlo simulation of light transport in tissue for optimizing light delivery in photoacoustic imaging of the sentinel lymph node,” accepted in the Journal of Biomedical Optics for publication.

 - August 2013: Manuscript entitled “Deconvolution based deblurring of reconstructed images in photoacoustic/thermoacoustic tomography,” accepted in JOSA A for publication.

 - August 2013: Sivaram (Phd), Manish (Phd in IMI), Subhash (MSc) joined BILab. Welcome to BILab.

 - July 2013: As PI Dr. Pramanik received grant from DBT for developing photoacoustic microscopy system for clinical study of angiogenesis.

 - July 2013: Manuscript entitled “LSQR-based decomposition provides an efficient way of computing optimal regularization parameter in photoacoustic tomography,” accepted in the Journal of Biomedical Optics for publication.

 - June 2013: As PI Dr. Pramanik received grant from DST for developing clinical photoacoustic system.

 - May 2013: Dr. Pramanik attended European Conference of Biomedical Optics (ECBO) at Munich, Germany.

 - May 2013: Welcome Harish (IAS summer internship 2013) in BILab.

 - May 2013: Madhumonti joined BILab to do her ME project. Welcome to BILab.

 - March 2013: Dr. Pramanik received Young Scientist Research Award 2013 from Department of Atomic Energy (DAE).

 - August 2012: Rejesh joined BILab as PhD student. Welcome Rejesh to BILab.

- August 2012: Biomedical Imaging Laboratory (BILab) was created by Dr. Pramanik.

- August 2012: Dr. Pramanik joined Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore, India as Assistant Professor.